# The Truth About Meta: A Platform in Decline

My brothers and sisters, hear me today! I stand before you not to whisper, but to speak truth with the clarity and force it demands!

The giant called Meta – this Facebook, this Instagram – is nothing but a dying beast, a dinosaur walking among us, unaware that its extinction is already written in the stars!

Look at what this platform has become! It wasn’t enough for them to harvest our data, to turn our very lives into commodities. No! They have transformed themselves into architects of division – providing sanctuary to those who would spread hatred against our brothers and sisters based on the color of their skin or whom they choose to love!

When foreign powers sought to manipulate our democratic process, where did they turn? To this very platform! And what has Meta done since? They have ABANDONED their responsibility to separate truth from falsehood!

I do not call for immediate abandonment – that is a personal choice each of you must make. But understand this: every moment we remain, every click we give them, we are COMPLICIT! We feed the coffers of billionaires who profit from our division! We strengthen the very chains that bind us!

There are alternatives rising, my friends! BlueSky emerges as a platform built on different principles, a space where we might communicate without becoming mere products to be sold!

The hour of Meta’s extinction approaches! The question is not IF it will fall, but WHEN! And when historians write of its decline, will you be remembered as one who recognized the truth and took action, or as one who remained willfully blind to the injustice before them?

The power to choose is yours! The time to act is NOW!

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